Every art incarnates a sexual fantasy. 
Susan Sontag, Diaries, 1965
"All I have is questions, and all I want are answers..." is a digital collage that delves into the complexities of fantasy, sexuality, and personal relations in the context of modern media. This piece interrogates the boundaries between private and public, the achievable and the unattainable, and the impact of glorified sexual imagery on real-life expectations.
Central to the piece is the exploration of fantasies and sexuality within the safe confines of one's home, primarily through the consumption of porn. It raises poignant questions: Can the fantasies seen in porn be lived out in reality with real women? What are the consequences of these unrealistic and glorified portrayals on societal standards and personal relationships? Has the pervasive nature of such imagery created unattainable standards that women feel compelled to meet?
To evoke a sense of discomfort and challenge conventional perceptions, the collage incorporates imagery of older women. This choice highlights the embarrassment or unease often associated with non-traditional expressions of sexuality, which might be unconventional for some but an absolute dream for others. The piece also critically examines how these societal expectations have impacted women, compelling them to perform for others' enjoyment rather than their own pleasure.
For me, particularly the struggle of prioritizing one's own pleasure over the perception of others, even within queer relationships. This introspection leads to a broader question: How do we unlearn the guilt and self-awareness ingrained by heteronormative and unrealistic media portrayals to genuinely experience full-bodied pleasure?
"All I have is questions, and all I want are answers..." invites viewers to reflect on these themes, questioning the impact of media-driven fantasies on real-life sexual dynamics and the possibility of breaking free from these imposed constraints to embrace authentic pleasure.
All I Have is Questions, And All I Want Are Answers,
 Lies Will Suffice Though...
Digital collage and illustration printed on 18" x 24" glossy poster paper.
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